Valley Community Church

Facility Use Request

Thank you for your interest in reserving the facilities at Valley Community Church! At Valley, we strive to be good stewards of the buildings that God has blessed us with. As such, we try to make them available for community use whenever possible.

To reserve any space at Valley Community Church:

  1. Fill out and submit the online request form below
  2. Wait for an email confirming that the space is available and your event has been approved
  3. Submit payment if applicable (Facility use is free to members. For non-members, facility use is $100 for up to 4 hours and $20 for each additional hour. You may submit by check or Venmo.)
  4. Wait for an email confirming receipt of your payment

*No activities or advocacy may take place within Valley Community Church, its buildings, or grounds that conflict with the practices and beliefs of Valley Community Church as well as the SBC. Valley Community Church reserves the right to approve or deny requests for facility use for either disclosed or undisclosed reasons.